The first and foremost thing which comes in my mind every time is that why Google has become the online authority for search engine optimization and website metrics. There may be two reasons for this explosiveness of Google; one is that they really provide the best and most reliable services for every user and every business individual. And the other may be because they are the first and biggest dominating in the internet market. Now let’s discuss its features which make it best among so many search engines and site analysis tools.
Features of Google Site Analytics for every Web Development Company India
The most beneficial feature of Google site analytics is the Dashboard that shows the overall performance of your website. There are two important pieces of information I use to instantly see how my site is performing, the Unique Visitors, and Avg. Visit Duration.
The first number tells me there are first-time visitors in the community; the second tells me that length of time they spent on my site. Their duration on my site could signal that they are bored with my content or they loved it and stayed to read more. Currently, I am pleased with the duration of my visitors. I will continue to find out what they want to read more of, and get it out there for them.